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Listing  Services

Listing  Services

Listing  Services

Listing  Services


Get listed in CoinMarketCap, the most important statistics crypto website.


Get listed on TrustWallet, and make your logo available on third party apps like PancakeSwap and Uniswap.


Get listed in CoinMarketCap, the most important statistics crypto website.

Listing Services
Listing Services
Listing Services
Listing Services
Listing Services
Listing Services
Listing Services

CoinMarketCap Listing Service

Expedited & Guaranteed Listing Service for CoinMarketCap.


  • $200,000 Daily volume, maintained throughout the application process.
  • If you have already applied for a listing, regardless of status, this MUST be disclosed.
  • All other criteria are non-financial, and will be possible for all clients. For this reason, these requirements are disclosed after payment has been made.
  • In the highly rare circumstance a listing is not successfully completed within 72 hours*
  • A full refund will be provided.
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Trust Wallet logo

Trust Wallet Listing Service

Is your logo not being displayed on PancakeSwap/UniSwap/similar? Multiple third party apps unable to pull details for your token?

That’s due to not being listed on Trust Wallet. The TW Developer Repository is shared amongst a multitude of apps, such as Charting Platforms, DEXs, etc. Let us change that for you with our Expedited & Guaranteed Listing Service for Trust Wallet.

Submission Service:
  • We will create a branded GitHub account for your token, assuming one doesn’t already exist.
  • The TrustWallet application will then be processed by our team, with all best practices in consideration.
  • The TrustWallet listing fee is included within our service fee.
  • All of the requirements listed on this link have been fulfilled.
  • A short summary has been included underneath for your convenience.
Contact us

CoinGecko Listing Service

Expedited & Guaranteed Listing Service for CoinGecko.


  • $200,000 Daily volume, maintained throughout the application process.
  • If you have already applied for a listing, regardless of status, this MUST be disclosed.
  • All other criteria are non-financial, and will be possible for all clients. For this reason, these requirements are disclosed after payment has been made.
  • In the highly rare circumstance a listing is not successfully completed within 72 hours*
  • A full refund will be provided.
Contact us